You can make a template from an assessment allowing you to quickly create further questionnaires using the same layout.
Whilst the form is in edit mode
From the Templates link select Save
Name it and save. If a template exists with the same name, this will overwrite that template. If you need to edit a template, make the required changes and save using the same name.
Under the Template link select Load
Select the template and click load.
The form will populate with the details saved in the template. You can now edit this form, including adding or removing questions. Save to finish
For Control question templates go to the Questionnaires / Assessments tile click on Assessment templates
For audit assessments go to the Audit Assessments tile and then Audit assessment templates
Select the template to delete and from the footer drop down select the option to delete. The system will notify you of any item that will be effected by the removal, click yes to confirm your option or cancel.